We Need Your Help!

A survey is presently being conducted by a graduate student from Western Carolina University on transportation and epilepsy. Participants need to be 18 and above with at least a two year history of epilepsy. Information from this survey will be very helpful in assessing the transportation issues that people with epilepsy face in our state. If you would be interested in participating in this survey contact: Patricia Gibson at the Epilepsy Information Service at 1-800-642-0500 or email:pgibson@wakehealth.edu

Our successes

2016 highlights

2016 was a busy and productive year for EANC, thanks to your support. Here are the highlights of all that the EANC family accomplished together.

$100,000+ Raised

90% of NC counties supported

We also expanded our services to the upstate of South Carolina

12+ events hosted or supported

8-10k calls fielded

Other inspiring accomplishments

  • Hosted multiple educational events for medical professionals
  • Organized basketball camps and art programs
  • Continued the “Circle of Care” fund
  • Distributed free packets of information
  • Facilitated various school programs (training of teachers, school nurses, and students), and mentored students with senior projects
  • Provided individual and family counseling
  • Established employer awareness programs
  • Provided transportation assistance to tertiary care centers

Help make this year our best yet Your donation makes a difference

Epilepsy Alliance North Carolina

Piedmont One, Suite 5541 A
1920 W. First Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27104

Telephone: (800) 451-0694
Local: (336) 716-2320
Fax: (336) 716-6018

Email: PGibson@WakeHealth.edu